Accounting Degree is one of specific field of study derived from business study. Just like other specific studies in business study, accounting degree has its own target. Accounting degree will let you get a job in accounting and finance field. You can only get an accounting degree after you complete your accounting study in college or university. There are three levels of accounting degree, there are associate degree, bachelor degree, and master degree. Associate degree takes 2 years of study, bachelor degree can be completed in 4 years and master degree takes approximately 1 or 2 years after you have finished your bachelor degree.

After graduating high school when people are interested in studying accounting, most of them will prefer take a bachelor accounting degree in university. The bachelor degree in university offers a conventional program, so students can get transferred to other university with not a lot of difference on the bachelor program. Unfortunately, only taking a bachelor degree won’t be enough for those who seeks for a deeper knowledge in business and for those who wants to earn better job in accounting field. That’s why people who have graduated bachelor degrees will continue their study by taking master degree in order to be a master of business.

The bachelor of business can continue their master study in university or business schools. Business schools are more specific since they only offer degrees in master. Business college is not the same with business school. Business college is a higher level of business education than high school, yet students in business college is more trained to work in business field while bachelor degrees are prepared to continue their study in master degree. Accountant with master accounting degree usually has more opportunity in their career. They will get better position than the ones who have just finished their bachelor study. That’s why it’s best thing is to finish your master degree first before you’re heading to work.

9/26/2013 01:19:58 am

I'm so fascinated by this article ..


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